Amazing Auto Accessories to Improve Your Life and Other Blogs

Welcome to my blog! My name is Ken, and I am a driving enthusiast. I love cars, but I also love auto accessories. In this blog, I am going to write about it all. When I am not writing, I love to take long drives, and I have an antique car that I sometimes take to auto shows. I also enjoy reading, spending time with my grand kids, and travelling. Thus far, I have been to sixteen different countries, and I hope that the list continues to grow. Please, if you have questions about cars or auto accessories, explore my blog. Thank you for finding my corner of the internet!

New to Kayaking? How to Transport Your Craft Safely


Australia has an abundance of rivers, creeks and lakes, and it's little wonder that kayaking is such a popular sport. If you've been thinking about taking it up, then you may have your eye on a craft and need to figure out how you will transport it from your home to your destination. However, before you buy your kayak, you will need to invest in a roof rack, but what do you need to bear in mind as you plan for your future expeditions?

Excitement Ahead

Of course, you're excited to buy your kayak, and there are many different models available. You can get versions that allow you to sit on top or inside, whilst some are made from polyethene, and others are thermo-formed. You're sure to find something that suits your eye.

Working Out Your Needs

But you definitely need to be careful as you transport your equipment to your favourite place. Treat roof racks and associated equipment as an investment, and find a kit that meets all your needs.

Extra Equipment

When you fit the roof rack to your vehicle, remember to get some specially made pads that will fit in between the kayak and the bars. They will help to protect both the vehicle and the craft from any scratches. Tiedown straps will be necessary to secure the kayak to the roof rack and the front and rear of the car.

Loading Your Kayak

If you are travelling solo, you can fit a single kayak quite easily to a standard roof rack. Depending on your chosen model, you may need to transport it upside down to protect the hull. Your roof rack may also come with a load-assist mechanism. These devices can help you slide the kayak on and off and keep it in place when you are mobile.

Two or More Kayaks

If you are travelling with a friend, you might need to get a separate attachment for your roof rack to fit each kayak on its edge. These upright bars will allow you to transport two or maybe three kayaks on one vehicle.

Getting Expert Advice Before You Purchase

Before you buy your watercraft, talk with your roof rack supplier. Give them the kayak measurements and tell them how many you want to transport at a given time. They will then advise you what to buy and kit you out with all the necessary accessories.


30 June 2021